tsetse fly

[tset-see, tet-, tsee-tsee, tee-] /ˈtsɛt si, ˈtɛt-, ˈtsi tsi, ˈti-/
any of several bloodsucking African flies of the genus Glossina, that act as a vector of sleeping sickness and other trypanosome infections of humans and domestic animals.
Also, tzetze fly.
Also called tsetse, tzetze, glossina.
1860-65; < Tswana tsètsè fly
British Dictionary definitions for tsetse fly

tsetse fly

any of various bloodsucking African dipterous flies of the genus Glossina, which transmit the pathogens of various diseases: family Muscidae
Word Origin
C19: via Afrikaans from Tswana
Word Origin and History for tsetse fly

1849, probably via South African Dutch, from a Bantu language (cf. Setswana tsetse. Luyia tsiisi "flies").

tsetse fly in Medicine

tsetse fly tset·se fly or tzet·ze fly (tsět'sē, tsē'tsē)
Any of several two-winged bloodsucking African flies of the genus Glossina, often carrying and transmitting pathogenic trypanosomes to humans and livestock.

tsetse fly in Science
tsetse fly
Any of several bloodsucking African flies of the genus Glossina, two species of which (G. palpalis and G. morsitans) often carry and transmit trypanosomes, the protozoans that cause sleeping sickness.